Speech Festival - Girls
S1 Girls - Some One
By Walter de la Mare
S2 Girls - An Alien Ate My Homework
By Kaye Umansky
S2 Girls - The Kitten at Play
By William Wordsworth
See the kitten on the wall,
Sporting with the leaves that fall,
Withered leaves, one, two and three,
Falling from the elder-tree;
Through the calm and frosty air
Of the morning bright and fair.
See the kitten, how she starts,
Crouches, stretches, paws and darts;
With a tiger-leap half way
Now she meets her coming prey.
Lets it go as fast and then
Has it in her power again.
Now she works with three and four,
Like an Indian conjuror;
Quick as he in feats of art,
Gracefully she plays her part;
Yet were gazing thousands there,
What would little Tabby care?
S3 Girls - The Snowman
By Roger McGough
Mother, while you were at the shops
and I was snoozing in my chair
I heard a tap at the window
saw a snowman standing there
He looked so cold and miserable
I almost could have cried
so I put the kettle on
and invited him inside
I made him a cup of cocoa
to warm the cockles of his nose
then he snuggled in front of the fire
for a cozy little doze
He lay there warm and smiling
softly counting sheep
I eavesdropped for a little while
then I too fell asleep
Seems he awoke and tiptoed out
exactly when I'm not too sure
it's a wonder you didn't see him
as you came in through the door
(oh, and by the way,
the kitten's made a puddle on the floor)
S4 Girls - A Televised Surprise
By David Harmer
Imagine our delight
Consternation and surprise
Our teacher on Come Dancing
Right before our eyes
She wore a dress of sequins
That glittered like a flight
Of silent, silver snowflakes
On a winter's night.
She really looked fantastic
No one could ignore
The magic of her dancing
Across the ballroom floor.
Her partner, tall and smart
Only saw him from the back,
Oily hair slicked down short
His suit and shoes were black.
He whirled and twirled her round
As the music got much faster
And then he faced the camera
It was our headmaster!
They seemed to dance for ever
Having so much fun
And then the competition stopped
The pair of them had won.
S5 Girls - What Teachers Wear in Bed!
By Brian Moses
It's anybody's guess
what teachers wear in bed at night
so we held a competition
to see if any of us were right.
We did a spot of research,
although some of them wouldn't say,
but it's probably something funny
as they look pretty strange by day.
Our Head teacher's quite old-fashioned,
he wears a Victorian nightshirt,
our sports teacher wears her tracksuit
and sometimes her netball skirt.
That new teacher in the infants
wears bedsocks with see-through pyjamas,
our Deputy Head wears a T-shirt
he brought back from the Bahamas.
We asked our secretary what she wore
but she shooed us out of her room,
and our teacher said, her favourite nightie
and a splash of expensive perfume.
And Mademoiselle, who teaches French,
is really very rude,
she whispered, 'Alors! Don't tell a soul,
but I sleep in the ... back bedroom!'
S6 Girls - The Lady of Shalott (up to 3.15)
By Alfred, Lord Tennyson